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April 01, 2015 Syndicated from District

This Friday, April 3 is the next LAYC Dance! Doors open at 7:30 PM and RSVPs are due by 6 PM.

The Egg and Spoon Race is on TODAY in the quad. All participants should be ready to go by 1:10. Noon League will be held TOMORROW on the field. This switch is due to Walk To Blach Day which will be held tomorrow from 9-11.

The Mardi Gras mask winners’ franco-hispanic lunch provided by Señor López and Madame Wade will take place on Tuesday April 14, the day after we return from our Spring break.
Those of you who are invited, please plan accordingly.

Hey Blach! Talking butterflies, a magical book, flying creatures, uninvited guests, and a third-floor bedroom. The creative writing class has published Issue 9 of Falcon
Feed. Inside the magazine, you will find creative and entertaining stories about these topics and many more. See also the beautiful illustrations that accompany the

stories. Where can you find Falcon Feed? Go to Blach’s website and click on Falcon Feed Issue 9. Read the magazine today! Happy Reading!

Thank you so much Blach! Your generous response to the book drive has been beyond what we expected. We are over 1000 books as of this morning — and more books are coming in every few minutes. Tomorrow is the last day to bring books . . . So . . . .do you think . . . . Maybe . . . . . We could hit 1500? Please check your closet, your book shelves, under your bed and bring any books you think would be appropriate for kindergartener through fifth graders! Together we are making a change for our friends at Theurerkauf Elementary School! THANK YOU!!!



Track & Field practice starts on Monday April 13th. Please sign up in the boys or girls locker room.

Good luck to our boys basketball teams in the championship round of playoffs. The 7th grade travel to Sunnyvale to take on Hyde while the 8th grade team travels to Columbia to take on Lawson. Both games will start around 3:45.

All girls soccer players should return their uniforms to Mrs. Koren as soon as possible.

7th Grade Boys Basketball takes on Hyde in the final today at 3:45. The game will be played at Sunnyvale's gym. We would love to have your support. 


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