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November 21, 2016

Dear Falcon Families,


I want to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of our staff at Blach for your partnership, kindness and generosity.   


Our students are thoughtful, compassionate and curious learners- each student in his/her unique way contributes to what makes Blach an amazing place to be! Thank you for sharing your children with us- we are fortunate to be part of their journey through Junior High!


Our staff is second to none in their commitment to our students. Their passion for bringing the best for our students is inspiring! We love our Falcons!


Our parents devote time, talent and resources to supporting our work  with our students! Whether it is through volunteering for serving hot lunch, at  school events,  donating talent and money to projects around the school or serving on PTA Executive Board- your support sustains and lifts us each day! Your kind gestures of appreciation re-energize us- thank you for the recent Thanksgiving themed staff appreciation luncheon. We enjoyed the delicious food as well as the beautiful quotes and decorations.


Together, we build a community for our students that believes in their boundless potential!


I hope your Thanksgiving break is joyful and bountiful!

Bhavna Narula, Principal



  • Monday, November 21 - Friday, November 25: Thanksgiving Break-No School for students
  • Sunday, November 27: Los Altos Festival of Lights Parade - Blach Falcon will make an appearance! Come cheer our very own Falcon!
  • Monday, November 28: Olympic sand volleyball coach Andrew Fuller and Olympian (represented U.S. at Rio Olympics) Lauren Fendrick visit Blach!
  • Monday, November 28: Lunch at 12:17pm
  • Friday, December 2: Holiday Faire 1pm-4pm
  • Friday, December 2: Minimum Day: School ends at 12:30 due to Holiday Faire.
  • Tuesday, December 6: 7-9pm- 7th Grade Winter Concert
  • Thursday, December 8: 7-9pm- 8th Grade Instrumental and Chorus Winter Concert
  • Wednesday, December 14: 7-9pm- Drama Performance
  • Thursday, December 15: 7-9pm- Drama Performance
  • Monday, December 19 - Monday, January 2, 2017: Winter Break
  • Tuesday, January 3, 2017: School Resumes

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